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"Our focus is on helping your Company use Information Technology to meet your Business Objectives"



Syracuse New York's Premiere
Computer Repair & Network Service

        STS offers quick and reliable computer repair & network service for the Syracuse, NY area to small businesses. We are proud to offer our customers quality computer repair and network Troubleshooting, including emergency or same day service, and scheduling after-hour appointments. PC Computer

Our onsite Computer Repair & Network Service is ideal for businesses and customers who don't want to deal with the mess of wires or the frustrations from problems that can only be reproduced onsite.

We know your computers are the lifeblood of your Company.
Where would you be if your PC crashed, your network was down, or you couldn't access the internet?

The professionals at STS can ensure you’re never in those situations for long—and we can also take proactive steps to prevent problems like that from happening at all.

If you don’t have an IT department, we can fill that very important role for you—and you only incur a budget expense when you need our services. We have over 10 years exerience in Computer repair and network administration in the Syracuse, NY area.

We’ll respond quickly to your immediate needs.


STS-NY / Schwalm Technical Services. Syracuse, NY
Call Today for a Free Consultaion: 315-614-2345